Biofinity Energys (3 linser)
Biofinity Energys (3 linser)
 124 kr/Kasse
Biofinity Energys (3 linser)
Biofinity Energys (3 linser)
Biofinity Energys (3 linser)

Biofinity Energys (3 linser)

 124 kr/Kasse
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Linse type
Udskiftning af kontaktlinser
Pakke størrelse
160 Dk/t
48 %
Comfilcon A (52%)
14 mm
Andre egenskaber
Lightblue® synlighedsfarve

Contact lenses designed for the digital world

Packaging: 3 pcs / box

Shelf life: one month

Biofinity Energys

Biofinity Energys® er månedslinser designet til at reducere fornemmelsen af tørre og trætte øjne, som skyldes brugen af digitale enheder1,2

Biofinity®—fokus på innovation, fokus på komfort.

Hvis du bruger digitale enheder i mere end to timer om dagen, risikerer du at blive ramt af tørre og trætte øjne3

Digital Zone Optics™ er et linsedesign, som bidrager til at lindre øjentræthed1

Aquaform®-teknologi giver en bedre genfugtning for at minimere tørre øjne2

Høj iltgennemtrængelighed: tillader, at 100 % af den ilt, som din hornhinde har brug for, trænger igennem til dine øjne4 og hjælper dem med at forblive klare og hvide**

Egenskaberne du vil elske

Et gennembrud inden for kontaktlinser
Digital Zone Optics™ bidrager til at lindre følelsen af øjentræthed, så dine øjne nemmere kan skifte fokus mellem forskellige afstande
Naturlig fugteevne takket være Aquaform®-teknologien, for en behagelig linseoplevelse


Increased accommodation load. Less blinking. More frequent focus changes. Using digital devices is a natural part of everyday life, but it can come at a cost to the wearer's eyes. A breakthrough in contact lens innovation has arrived: Biofinity Energys, a contact lens designed for the digital world.


  • Digital Zone Optics™ lens design helps reduce accommodation stress while preserving distance vision.
  • For users of digital and other devices, it takes less effort and is more comfortable switching focus between the screen and the environment.
  • Multiple front surface aspheric curve - across the entire optical zone of the lens.
  • Seals moisture into the lens, preserving lens softness for an even more comfortable wearing experience, reducing dry eye sensation even when working in front of a screen.
  • Excellent breathability, combined with high water content, ensures comfortable lens wear and healthy, white eyes.

**High-oxygen transmissibility promotes clear, white eyes.


1. CooperVision data on file. 2006. Aquaform® Technology uses a matrix of long silicone chains with hydrogen bonds to lock water molecules in the lens for incredible, long-lasting comfort and clarity.

2. CooperVision data on file. 2014. Clinical evaluation of Biofinity® spherical contact lens compared to Air Optix® Aqua spherical lenses over one month of wear.

3. CooperVision data on file. 2014. Clinical evaluation of Biofinity® spherical contact lens compared to Ultra spherical contact lens over one month of wear.

4. Brennan, NA. Beyond Flux: Total Corneal Oxygen Consumption as an Index of Corneal Oxygenation During Contact Lens Wear. Optom Vis Sci. 2005;82(6):467-472.

*Ref: CVI data on file 2020. Internal calculations for proportion total reusable (FRP) lenses, including brand and private label, based on 2019 retail data, fit data and CVI sales data in UK, Italy, France and Germany.

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